Telephone Banking User Guide
- Call 706-743-BANK (2265) locally or dial 1-877-TCB-0411 to access Telephone Banking toll-free.
(For Login help, call 706-743-8184). - Enter your 9-digit Social Security number followed by the pound sign (#) to begin the logon process.
- Enter your security code (4 digits minimum). If this is your first time calling telephone banking, your default security code will be the last 4 digits of the same Social Security number you used in the previous step.
- Select the information or type of transaction you want.
- Press 1 for Checking Information
- Press 2 for Savings Information
- Press 3 to Transfer Funds
- Press 4 for CD Information
- Press 5 for Loan Info or to make a Loan Payment
- Press 6 to Change your Security Code
- Press 9 to Return to the Main Menu(If you have more than 1 of the selected account type, you will be asked to enter the account number followed by the # key)
- Choose the type of information you are seeking (for checking and savings accounts).
- Press 1 to repeat basic account information
- Press 2 to look up checks by number.
- Press 3 to look up transactions by amount
- Press 4 to hear your most recent deposits
- Press 5 to hear you most recent withdrawal transactions
- Press 6 to hear you most recent ATM/Debit card transactions
- Press 9 to return to the Main Menu(For Funds Transfers, Loan Payments and Security Code changes just follow the step-by-step phone menus)